Scontri in Cisgiordania tra palestinesi e forze israeliane

Clashes in Hebron

epa04963152 Palestinian protesters burn tires during clashes with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Hebron, 04 October 2015. Clashes broke out in Hebron, in reaction of the tough security measures imposed by Israel on the Palestinian territories that followed the killing of two Israelis in the two attacks, and the wounding of three others including a child. A Palestinian man fatally stabbed two Israelis with a knife in the Old City on 03 October night. Only hours later, another man stabbed a 15-year-old, who was then taken to the hospital. Both Palestinian attackers were fatally shot by police. EPA/ABED AL HASHLAMOUN

Sono scoppiati violenti scontri tra manifestanti palestinesi e forze di sicurezza israeliane al checkpoint Dco vicino Ramallah, nella Cisgiordania occupata. Nelle immagini le forze israeliane arrestano un manifestante…